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RIDDERKERK, ZH — Furst i thought it was a star but i grabbed my starmap app and there was no star or planet overlapping so i checked for a satellite but that wasn't it either and then when I kept looking at it it came a bit closer and I saw it wasn't even round but triangular in shape with a dark circular core/center and after an hour it was completely gone and last night I had an similar experience but that one did not com closer and was one second there and 1 minute later I saw it moving down and then it was gone ..... I made a picture with my phone trying to capture it bit it's not really good quality and I don't have lenses for my camera to zoom in on an far away hung still for about an half hour and then it seemed to just switch locations like a snap of the fingers and an half hr later it was gone there was no sound and no other movement bo flickering light whatsoever

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  • Lightball /triangle with dark core foto

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