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UTRECHT, UT — Ik heb een maand of anderhalf maand geleden een oranje licht-bol gezien en hier vermeld. Gisteren laat ook weer gezien, ik heb een zolderkamer en nu (22.29) zit ik bij het raam met mijn laptop.
Ik ga kopiëren en plakken wat ik zojuist aan die vriend van mij heb verteld, met wie ik samen met iemand anders eerder hadden gezien.
..."Surely you can't believe: I've seen an UFO once again yesterday in the evening!Near but not so near like the last time with you and with "you know-friend".
Yesterday from my new attic I saw exactly the same flying object that we saw, came floating "deucement" in my direction, then turned away and disappeared in the hights, I was facinated and kept staying at the window and then.... once again from the same point came another one and... (that is the flying route of the planes, which pass every 5 minutes around 23.00 (I think))... the plane was flying its direction cuz the UFO was on its way, when it was nearer the UFO turned away towards me, then turned away and disapeared in the hights like the first one.
AMAZING, I thought that the plane was a special one, maybe a militair one which tried to follow the UFO, I got nervous. I can't image the faces of the pilotes, it was an ordinar jet liner. It was dark but I tried to catch the picture but my camera caught only moving lines because the diafragma of my cam stays open a while when it is dark. I checked how to do next time, my camera is complicated.

I'm attaching the pic of both plane vs. UFO. Only the moving lines, imposible to recognize, otherwise I could get rich having such a spectacle caght in picture.

aah, later till 2 o'clock in the nigh there was an helicopter turning around, then I got with my head out the window and saw the heli flying away very, very high. Very, very strange!On internet there are lots of complaining news about heli above Utrecht/Maarsen in the night, since some months"...


  • Oranje bol foto

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