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AMSTERDAM, NH — Im going with english because mi dutch isn't good enough to explain what was like so here we go. It was a round cloud like formation of the diameter of about maybe more 100meter and height of arround 70m. Never broke the original formation as i saw it in the beginning. As you gonna see in the fotos and the videos there were 2 side lights kinda lines more than spots of light and on the pther side i think were the same but it never turned arround. It came from north at the speed of maybe 20 to 50km/h then he stoped for about 20minutes on the same pleace were i decided to male the fotos and the videos and i saw that exatly underneath this cloud formation were laser like line coming from the ground and were visible like 5-7 lines maybe more but from where i was i could pick only these on the images there were moving but realy slowly.the lines were realy long ranged i can't tell exaclty how long but for sure more than 100meter. Then it started moving away slowly direction south then i had to go back to work ?. Thats all. When you see the fotos and the 2 videos please let me know what i saw if you have any clue. Thank you.


  • Formation of a cloud with 2 or more lighter lines and casting of laser lines foto
  • Formation of a cloud with 2 or more lighter lines and casting of laser lines foto
  • Formation of a cloud with 2 or more lighter lines and casting of laser lines foto

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